Note About Arduino Versions


The Arduino Sketches for the LBS were developed using Arduino 1.0.5 (yes an oldie). Because newer versions exist, like 1.6.3, the sketches were tried using the newer IDE.


Well fellow "hammies" there is some sort of difficulty using the V 1.6.3 of the IDE with the code provided. You most likely will see error messages like can't find file or directory LquidCrystal_I2C.h or cannot find file or directory Jsi5351.h.

Worst case use IDE 1.0.5. You can find older versions of Arduino at this link

We have also posed this question on the Arduino Forum and while not conclusive the vote seems to be stick with an older IDE's like 1.0.6 (Not 1.6.0). Seems like Atmel and the Arduino Crew (especially because of the lawsuit amongst the former partners) that some of the later software has been "diddled with". Caveat Emptor!!!!!!!!

That is a step backward but it appears that IDE 1.6.3 is not backward compatible in working with libraries and other files.

4/19/2015 Update:

We have had experts around the world work this issue and it seems you can compile the sketches developed in 1.0.5 into 1.6.3. The code compiled but it has not been tested in hardware as yet. This is still being classed as an issue. Here is the sketch that was compiled in 1.6.3 LINK


If anyone knows of a fix, send an email to:

N6QW & KK6FUT 4/15/2015